Hi little earthlings! I'm back blogging again. This post will be a dedication to the Earth, to our Mother nature out there, which we have taken for granted for all this while. Let me be a little ambassador for today since technically, I'm one true blue Earth Baby :)
Have you ever wonder how this world can be so beautiful, our nature so stunning it can never be emphasised any further with words alone? Guess many of us here are so bogged down by worries, increasing workload, fun, friends and whats not. But how many of us actually take a good look at our surroundings? You should start NOW.
Let me share with you some wonders on our landscape today, take a deep breath and enter the world of what I call Magnificence...
First up, #1 Aurora,the Northern Lights
Stunning right? These are aurora borealis, also known as the northern lights which only appear mostly in the northern countries. They usually appear at night and apparently glow through the dark, making it all the more beautiful. Well, don't ask me how it came about because I seriously can't figure all the chemistry and clashing of ions that make these happen! I would innocently believe that they are God's piece of artworks.
Next up, it has to be the #2 Grand Canyon
"Grand" is actually an understatement. Like what I said, words alone do no justice to the actual landscape itself. Shall not probe further into the geographic history of it, but let me give you a little insight, there's actually a skywalk built on it for convenience sake. I wanna go!!!
And my favourite, #3 France,Provence lavender field
If you know me well, I'm a sucker for lavenders. THEY ARE SO GORGEOUS. Imagine immersing yourself in a sea of lavenders, isn't that lovely! Unfortunately, you won't be able to spot any lavender around in Singapore because they only survive in a delicate environment with cold climate.
Alright, shall end my post here. (It's already 0349!) But I'm not a wee bit tired because all these wonders really do wonders to me! Haha. Goodnight earthlings.